Posts by DToN

    Changelog 10.01.2025


    Winter event deactivated

    All Map1 now look normal again (no more winter design)

    All offline stores have their normal appearance again

    PvP gear can now only be upgraded to CL31 gear at the Guardian of Legends (PvP Dungeon NPC)

    The Guardian of Legends (PvP Dungeon NPC) now exchanges legendary fragments for shards (just like in the mine)

    The BattlePass is now activated again

    The Medal of Change is now available in the Yang Shop (2kkkk Yang)

    Data backup

    The server is now back online with the corresponding patch, have fun! :)

    You need the latest patch, the clients on the homepage are already updated.

    Externer Patch :

    Changelog 04.12.2024


    The Icy Snow Chest is available again as alternative loot

    The loot of the event coins in the Winter Event Dungeon has been increased

    The server is now back online with the corresponding patch, have fun! :)

    Changelog 23.11.2024


    Halloween event deactivated

    All metal stones have their normal appearance again

    The PvP-Equip from Champ Lv 30 no longer requires Holy Powershard, but a Legendary Powershard instead

    The Hall of Legends (PvP Dungeon) has been added and is accessible from Champ Lv 30 onwards

    Legendary Powershard and other Uppitems are available in the Hall of Legends

    A new itemshop category for vouchers has been added

    The server is now back online with the corresponding patch, have fun! :)

    You need the latest patch, the clients on the homepage will be updated during the night.

    External Patch :

    Changelog 06.11.2024


    The radius for the correct position of the boss monsters in the Halloween Compass has been increased

    Doubled the number of event pumpkins and halved the respawn time

    Data backup

    The server is now back online, no patch is needed, have fun! :)

    Changelog 01.11.2024


    Fixed a bug where boss monsters from the Halloween Compass appeared in the wrong positions.

    Fixed a bug in the Cape of Dragonfire where event metins could spawn in the safe zone

    The event pumpkins now drop pumpkins

    The Halloween Compass event boss monsters can now also drop pumpkins

    The HP of the Pumpkin (Hard) event has been slightly lowered

    Data backup

    The server is now back online, no patch is needed, have fun!

    Changelog 22.10.2024


    All offline stores have been suitably decorated for Halloween

    All metin stones have been temporarily turned into pumpkins by the magic of the Halloween event

    The pet experience ring has been adjusted and now gives 100% more pet experience (previously 65%)

    Data backup

    The server is now back online with the corresponding patch, have fun! :)

    All clients on the homepage have been uploaded with the latest patch.

    We recommend downloading the latest patch :

    External Patch :

    Changelog 02.10.2024


    First parts of the Halloween event added, more information to follow

    For Seishin's third birthday, we have once again left a small eye-catcher in the Yang and Item Shop (250 coins or 5,000,000 Yang)

    The pet experience ring is now available in the World Boss Points, Dungeon Coins and Item Shop as well as in all dungeons up to and including Alastor

    Data backup

    The server is now back online with the corresponding patch, have fun! :)

    We recommend downloading the latest patch :

    External Patch :

    Changelog 02.10.2024


    Buffs can now be deactivated again at the top left of the AffectShower

    Added monsters, groups and quests for a new dungeon (not yet active)

    Added new monster breeds for the new dungeon

    Pet experience ring prepared, will be available soon

    Data backup

    The server is now back online with the corresponding patch, have fun! :)

    You need the patch, if the patcher does not work please download the external patch.

    External Patch :

    Changelog 16.09.2024


    Fixed a bug that caused an incorrect error message for Ginzard (not enough Yang)

    Data backup

    The position of the bearing when opening has been adjusted

    The groupUI has been adjusted

    The server is now back online with the corresponding patch, have fun! :)

    External Patch :
    All clients and the patcher have been updated on the homepage. You need the new patcher to download the patch.

    Changelog 08/19//2024


    Added new monsters and bosses for the new dungeon

    Fixed a bug that caused the store search to crash the client when searching for items in the “Improvements” category

    Data backup

    The server is now back online with the corresponding patch, have fun! :)

    Changelog 08/15//2024


    A new map has been added which is being prepared for a new dungeon

    Pet snacks can now be exchanged for pet water at Theowahdan (30 to 2)

    Mount snacks can now be exchanged for mount water at Theowahdan (30 to 2)

    Data Backup

    The server is now back online with the corresponding patch, have fun! :)

    Changelog 07/30/2024

    Version: +

    Skills are displayed again in the AffectShower (top left)

    The drop rate of the Soul Orb has been slightly increased in the Forgotten Mine and the Hellgate. (Max. 0.50%)

    Data backup

    The server is now back online with the corresponding patch, have fun! :)

    Changelog 07/30/2024


    The “active duration” of the System Rates has been increased from 7 days to 14 days

    Added logs/error messages for a currently unclear error (system internal, you as a player will not notice)

    Fixed a bug where it would have been possible to cause a crash if you had the necessary administrative rights

    Data backup

    The server is now back online with the corresponding patch, have fun! :)

    Changelog 07/22/2024


    Add New ChestPreview

    Enable New ChestPreview in ( Inventory, Shop, ItemShop, Exchange, ShopSearch, SafeBox, Mall)

    You can also search for items that can be dropped from various chests

    Fix Stuck Hyperlink tooltips

    Add Mobile DSA Refine to the DSA UI

    Experience Potion(XS) has been renamed Potion of Champion(XS)

    Remove Shopsearch Item limit

    Allow user to open the DSA Refine without the NPC

    Added missing Lv 5, 10, 15 and 20 Fan to the Weapondealer

    Changed the VIP Ticket from Metinstone Spinwheel to a other Win-Item

    Uppitems of the PvP rings removed until CL30

    Uppitems of the PvP belts removed until CL30

    External Patch :
    All clients and the patcher have been updated on the homepage. You need the new patcher to download the patch.

    Changelog 07/02/2024


    The BattlePass is now available again

    Data backup

    INFO : There will be a major maintenance in the next 3 weeks where we will move the root. We have to do this due to maintenance work of our current hoster. More information will follow, but we can assure you that after the move everything from Preliminary Patchnotes will be online.

    The server is now back online with the corresponding patch, have fun! :)

    Changelog 05/07/2024


    The random bonuses of the awakened pets can now be changed with awakened level 1-15 at least Lv 100 on Ginzard

    Blessing of Midgar can no longer be used on awakened pets

    Awakened pets no longer permanently change the random bonuses when upgrading

    Awakened pets can now be sacrificed to “Sacrificial Soul Orbs”, 1:1 exchange.

    The “Sacrificial Soul Orb” can be used when rerolling random bonuses to gain maximum bonuses

    The interface of Ginzard has been revised and improved

    Error messages have been added to the pet awakening system

    An incorrect OX question has been revised

    PvP equipment now only costs Yang up to champion level 30 and no more Uppitems. (Community request)

    Upp chances adjusted, there is now no more Upp chance below 10% chance of success (PvM and PvP)

    Chivalric, Royal and Majestic Shards can now be crafted directly from Holy Shards

    The metalstone wheel of fortune has been added, if you have killed a total of 100 metalstones you can spin once.

    Data backup

    The server is now back online with the corresponding patch, have fun! :)

    If there are problems please delete the existing Seishin Online.exe and patch again.

    External Patch: