Changelog 07/22/2024
Add New ChestPreview
Enable New ChestPreview in ( Inventory, Shop, ItemShop, Exchange, ShopSearch, SafeBox, Mall)
You can also search for items that can be dropped from various chests
Fix Stuck Hyperlink tooltips
Add Mobile DSA Refine to the DSA UI
Experience Potion(XS) has been renamed Potion of Champion(XS)
Remove Shopsearch Item limit
Allow user to open the DSA Refine without the NPC
Added missing Lv 5, 10, 15 and 20 Fan to the Weapondealer
Changed the VIP Ticket from Metinstone Spinwheel to a other Win-Item
Uppitems of the PvP rings removed until CL30 ( DToN had forgotten in the previous patch)
Uppitems of the PvP belts removed until CL30 ( DToN had forgotten in the previous patch)